Thursday, September 13, 2012


Bertudunglah walau TERPAKSA,
Solatlah walau TERPAKSA,
Puasalah walau TERPAKSA.
Dari keterpaksaan itu perlahan-lahan kita akan menemukan HIKMAH
dan akhirnya hati kita menjadi IKHLAS keranaNya.
Hidayah perlu dicari, bukan diTUNGGU.
Ustaz Azhar Idrus

Ada seorang hamba ALLAH mengatakan; "Buat apa bertudung kalau berbaju lengan pendek. Sama jer lah kalau tak pakai tudung pun. Aku tak nak la pakai tudung kalau berlengan pendek. aku tak pakai tudung pun, sama jer la dengan yang bertudung tapi berlengan pendek tu."

Senangnya mencipta alasan ke atas perintah Allah....

Rambut dan leher wanita adalah aurat. Lengan wanita juga merupakan aurat yang WAJIB dilindungi dari pandangan mereka yang bukan mahram. Maknanya, tidak bertudung merupakan satu dosa dan tidak menutupi lengan juga merupakan satu dosa. 
  • Kalau tidak bertudung, tapi berlengan panjang dosa jatuh ke atas rambut dan lehernya.
  • Kalau bertudung, tapi berlengan pendek pula, dosa jatuh ke atas mendedahkan lengan.
  • Kalau tidak bertudung dan tidak menutupi lengan, dosa jatuh ke atas rambut, leher dan juga lengan.
  • Kalau bertudung dan menutupi lengan, Alhamdulillah, semoga kita bebas dari dosa mendedahkan aurat...

 Ramai juga hamba Allah yang mengatakan; "Tunggulah bila sudah bersedia baru saya bertudung. Kalau bertudung tapi hati tidak ikhlas buat apa."

Menutup aurat kan perkara yang wajib. Bila dah nama wajib tu, maknanya kita kena buat. Tidak kiralah ikhlas atau tidak ikhlas.
  • Kalau menutup aurat dengan hati yang tidak ikhlas atau terpaksa, dosa mendedahkan aurat tidak akan jatuh. Cuma pahala keikhlasan yang mungkin kita tidak akan dapat.
  • Kalau menutup aurat dengan hati yang ikhlas kerana Allah, dosa mendedahkan aurat tidak akan jatuh serta InsyaAllah kita akan beroleh ganjaran pahala di atas keikhlasan kita.

 Pernah juga seorang sahabat bersungut; "Menyampah betulla dengan si M tu. Bila kelas agama pandai pula pakai tudung. Abis kelas tu, terus jer tanggalkan. Baik tak payah pakai terus kalau macam tu."

Pahala bukan sesuatu yang dilihat atau dikira secara umum dan kita tidak berhak menentukan dosa dan pahala seseorang tu. apa yang kita boleh buat hanyalah mengambil iktibar ke atas setiap kejadian. Saya terangkan padanya;
  • Kalau si M tu buat macam tu, paling tidak waktu kelas agama selama dua jam tu, dia bebas dari dosa mendedahkan aurat.
  • Kalau dia tidak bertudung terus, maka sepanjang masa dia akan dapat dosa kerana mendedahkan aurat.

Dari kita minta dia tidak bertudung terus, kan lebih baik kalau kita doakan dia bertudung terus..... (~_~)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

As Beautiful As The Full Moon

Just now I've chat with my mom and we are talking about beauty.... You know, woman and beauty cannot be separated... heheheh..

Ok, we are not talking about that kind of beauty... But, we have discussed the most beautiful creation in the world~~~HUMAN BEING~~~

Ok, the conversation is like this:

Lil Bro : Mom, you are beautiful... :D
Mom    : It's sounds ridiculous.. I'm not beautiful. Nobody have said that I'm beautiful especially when I was a child. Even they said that I'm an ugly kids.
(My mom is always saying that she is not beautiful even though my friends or other people are quite amazing with her beauty. Maybe they do not believed that ugly me having a beautiful mom... huhu...)
Me       : Yeah... That's the only your answer when anyone saying so... Well, I've remembered you have said that basically a less beautiful kids will grow up beautifully and vice versa... Maybe it's suits you very well since you are beautiful, mom... But, why do an ugly me during child have grown up to an ugly me now?? huhu....
Lil Bro : But you looks beautiful in picture sis.. (Smiling showing his teeth)
Me       : Hello, I'm beautiful in both pic and reality ok.... hahaha.... (Suddenly I've become very perasan after the humble me before... kuang3...)
Mom    : hahahahahaha....
Me       : Ok la.... By the way, we are beautiful... Everybody are beautiful and nobody is ugly... Allah have created us as the best creation and we should admit it and be grateful.. But human themselves  making their own rate to Allah creation..
Mom    : Yes... Everybody is beautiful because we are the best creation. I have a story about this...

And here is the story :

As Beauty As The Full Moon

Once upon a time, there were a man that will get married to an unknown girl. During that time, Arabian are not allowed to see his/her groom/bridegroom before they were married. However, that arrogant man said that if he found that her wife is not as beautiful as the full moon, they will be automatically divorced.
One day, his family have found him a very good, polite, and righteous girl for him and he is very excited to marry that humble girl. Unfortunately, after the marriage, he found that his righteous wife is very ugly and not beautiful as the full moon. It is very frustrated because he loved his wife very much since he know she is the best woman for him..

So, that guy went to see the amirul mukminin (Muslim's leader) and asking about the problem. The amirul mukminin then make a musyawwarah (discussion) with all of the scholars (ulama').... All of them agreed that the couple were divorced and that poor girl have become a widower. But, the great amirul mukminin have find out that one of the scholar is looking weird and seems like he did not agreed with the decision. He asked the scholar and he the scholar started to recite Surah at-Tiin (1-4) which means that "Human being is the best creation". So, the scholars think that the couple is not divorced because human is much more better than the full moon. All of the scholars agreed with the opinion and the couple are still husband and wife....

P/S: nobody is ugly because human is the best creation... Allah have created us perfectly and we have no right to measure or rate His creation.. But sometimes it could be happened because we know what are the other people valuing us.... ~~sigh~~ Ya Allah, please guide me to be a grateful person.. Thank you for your nikmat... Amin...